Hot Deals from kefalonia rent a car
Before you make your reservation, check our special offers. Maybe one of them will suit you and you will make an even better deal.
Early Booking your Car Rental and Win 10% discount!
We offer special 10% discount for early booking car rental for 2 seasonal periods, using corresponding Promo code. Rental order more than 5 days
- 1st period from: April 1st to May 30th, 2021
- 2nd period from: September 11th to October 31st, 2021
You can enter the corresponding promo code for the desired seasonal period in the Discount-Promo field on the booking/checkout page and it will automatically calculate the discount at the car rental fee.
- 1st period Promo code: EARLYBAM21
- 2nd period Promo code: EARLYBSO21
This offer includes:
- 10% discount on all car categories (except upon request types)
- The discount is automatically calculate after applying the promo code
- No extra charge for credit card
- Unlimited mileages , Free kefalonian map , Free additional driver
- Collision Damage Waiver insurance
- 24 hours Road Assistance & Support
- No Hidden fees
- Free Delivery / Collection at Airport, Port or Hotel during Office hours and in radius of 15 km around them.
- Free cancelation , Book now and pay on arrival
- Offer valid for Kefalonia island for all rentals
(Please visit our website often so you can be informed about our current special offers)